While you cannot control when disaster strikes, you can control how quickly your business will be back up and running. In addition to minimizing any disruption for your current customer base, having a plan for recovery can be a strong signal to potential customers that your business can be counted on to come through with delivery regardless of the circumstances.
Putting together a contingency plan on your own can be a daunting task. That’s why many businesses and organizations are adopting ISO 22301, the leading internationally recognized standard for ensuring business continuity.
In this issue, the ISO certification experts at AEGIS Services will explain what it means to be ISO 22301 compliant, and depict how easily this vital component of your business operations can be put in place.
What is ISO 22301?
In addition to being a standard that helps your business recover more quickly from man made and natural disasters, ISO 22301 also helps you and your management team better identify potential threats to your business operations.
In other words, ISO 22301 gives you the know how to be proactively prepared for potential threats and to react quickly when they occur.
Is ISO 22301 Suitable for My Business?
One of the best aspects of ISO 22301 is that it’s suitable for any business of any size specializing in any sector. Your ISO certification process will focus solely on threats – known and potential – unique to your business.
What are the Benefits of ISO 22301?
In addition to ensuring your customers and vendors that your business can be counted on to deliver services, the ISO 22301 certification process provides a number of additional benefits:
- You have the ability to identify potential threats you may not have even considered.
- Sales will most likely increase since many business partners are requiring proof of contingency plans be written into bids and contracts. Hence, being ISO 22301 compliant can be the difference in closing a deal or not.
- Your business reputation is enhanced for having the foresight to commit to doing what is necessary to ensure that your business flow is constant.
Here at AEGIS Services, our core company value is “ISO certification kept simple.” We’ll work with you to satisfy any issues that do not meet conformity.
Simply complete our enquiry form, from which we’ll carryout a free gap analysis based upon existing ISO standards and your business. We’ll then offer a training schedule, followed by a pre-audit. Certification Auditors will conduct the final audits and reports.
Once you’ve received ISO compliancy, you’ll be presented with a certification certificate.
To learn more, call Aegis Services L.L.C. at +974-4466-2120 or reach us via email.