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Energy management System (EnMS)

ISO 50001 ENMS

Industry consumes 51 per cent of all produced energy in the world. Up to 30 percent of organizational operating expenses represent energy costs.The United States Green Building Council reports that, on average, commercial office buildings use 20 per cent more electricity than required.This is an amazing dollar loss for the industry , mainly because management does not know where the waste occurs and what to do to eliminate or reduce this loss.By adopting an Energy Management System (EnMS), which involves tracking energy consumption, data collection and countermeasures; Companies will save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

EnMS Standard

In June 2011 the ISO 50001 EnMS standard was released. ISO 50001 defines an EnMS as “a set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish an energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve those objectives.” The new standard used ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) as guides in its development.

ISO 50001 EnMS includes a route map and roadmap to constantly improve Energy efficiency. Projects to reduce energy usage have been reported in the past; Funded, and executed. They were not usually linked to the vision or strategic goals or goals of the organization and involved only a few departments (e.g. personnel from engineering, contracting, and facilities).This is often called a technical approach or method. ISO 50001 EnMS requires not just a technical but also a strategic or organizational strategy in top management where both the staff and contractors of the company are concerned with minimizing energy usage.


Implementing ISO 50001EnMS has many advantages.


ISO 9001 QMS and/or ISO 14001 EMS have been introduced in thousands of organizations.Several of the elements needed in each of these requirements are similar to ISO 50001 EnMS specifications. Many companies implement ISO 50001 EnMS
by consolidating it with their existing ISO 9000 or 14000 standards.This encompasses both specifications, and the implementation of both standards will be achieved more effectively than having each standard separately.

EnMS and the PDCA Cycle:

Energy management focuses on action. Conversely, an energy management system is the rules for setting and achieving the energy performance goals of a company. Focusing on operational definition and standard, an ISO 50001 (2011, 2) energy management framework is an “set of interrelated or interacting elements to establish an energy policy and energy objectives, and processes and procedures to achieve those objectives.” . So let us conclude in easy words: Energy management on a corporate level is the handling of energy, while EnMS determine the rules of how this has to be done.

The standard defines the plan, do, check, and act cycle (PDCA cycle). However, it is quite hard to assign the elements of the standard to PDCA. Most operations will be part of the planning phase (ISO 50001:2011, 16) with the following outputs in preparing:

Clear emphasis on authentication reveals the origins of the whole program that come from quality management ( QM).


An EnMS has four stages, as shown in Figure below. What is involved at each stage, and what is the composition of each stage? How is the sustaining stage different from the maintaining stage? These are important questions that are answered here. The first stage is planning and development. In this stage, management commitment is received and an energy champion is appointed. An energy cross- functional team is assembled and put into place. The document system is established. The energy review is accomplished, achieving an energy profile, the scope, significant energy users (SEUs), SEUs’ variables, and energy efficiencies.

Procedures and required plans are developed. The time frame for this stage is normally six months, but it can be accelerated to be completed in one month. The second stage is implementation. In this stage the Objective and targets are implemented. The measuring and monitoring list is reviewed at least quarterly.

With extra effort, this stage can be accelerated to be completed in two months. The third stage is maintaining. In this stage a management review is conducted and management provides feedback on how the EnMS can be improved. The legal requirements are evaluated for compliance. A self- inspection is performed, and corrective action reports (CARs) or preventive action reports (PARs) are written and resolved. A second- party audit is conducted.


The fourth stage is sustaining. The sustaining effort uses fewer resources than the maintaining stage, but every effort is made to meet all the mandatory standard requirements, such as maintaining documentation, evaluating legal requirements, conducting a self- inspection every 12 months, and conducting management reviews at least once a year.

Aegis Services is one of the major ISO 50001 consultants in Qatar. Our experienced consultants make the process easy for your organization, the training sessions will effectively train everyone in the organization to save energy and make every process energy efficient, Aegis Services will guide you through the whole process and practical implementation of the ISO 5001 standard. We are the pioneer of ISO 5001 consultancy in Qatar. So contact us today to get ISO 5001 Services and to make your organization energy efficient.


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